Motorbike Insurance

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*51% of consumers who received a quote for Motorbike Insurance through this service provided by Seopa Ltd. in August 2023 were quoted less than £194.60. The price you could achieve is dependent on your individual circumstances.


Compare cheap motorbike insurance from x providers.

What is motorbike insurance?Why do I need it?

Motorbike insurance operates on a spectrum of coverage, designed to provide financial security from theft to damages incurred. Depending on your chosen level of cover, this insurance could extend its protection to include repair costs for your motorbike, bodily injuries inflicted on others, and damage to their property.


The legal landscape mandates the possession of motorbike insurance if your two-wheeled companion treads on public roads. Not having a motorbike insurance has several risks like – a £300 fine, accompanied by a minimum of six penalty points on your licence, and the potential of license disqualification.

What Is Motorbike Insurance

What levels of cover can I get?

There are three options you can choose from. All of these have independent coverage offering to suit your situation perfectly.

What Levles Of Motorbike Cover Can I Get

Third party only


This is the entry-level, the legal necessity. Imagine it as the baseline protection – it steps in when things go south on the road, covering injuries to others and damage to their possessions.

Third party fire and theft (TPFT)


Take a step up, and now there’s a bit more extensive coverage option. Your bike gets protection from theft or if it catches fire. But, if you find yourself in the midst of a road incident, the safety net is only partially extended. 

Comprehensive insurance


This is the most advanced protection. It includes everything from the basics to covering damages your bike causes in a road incident. It’s the all-inclusive package, offering security for your ride. It’s the premium treatment, ensuring you and your two-wheeled companion enjoy a worry-free journey on the open road.

What doesn't motorbike insurance cover?

What Doesn't Motorbike Insurance Cover
  1. Other passengers
  2. Sidecar cover
  3. Modifications
  4. Punctures
  5. Track days
  6. Negligence
  7. Riding under the influence
  8. Wear and tear
  9. Intentional damage

Is motorbike insurance a legal requirement?

Absolutely, hitting the road without motorbike insurance is a no-go. It’s against the law, and if you get caught, prepare for a fine or even a riding ban. Here’s the twist – even if your bike is insured, if you’re not properly covered to ride it, you’re in for a penalty. The road is calling, but without the correct insurance, it might become an expensive and legally complicated journey.


At Monefi, we empower you to make an informed choice in picking the most suitable policy for your situation and to avoid overpaying. Our approachable experts guide you through assessing your financial obligations, and create a customised policy that meets your unique needs.

How much is motorbike insurance?

The cost of health insurance varies significantly and is influenced by several factors:

Your age

Your age plays a substantial role in determining your health insurance premiums. As you get older, the likelihood of developing health issues increases, which often leads to higher premium costs.

Your driving and claims history

Your postcode matters. If you reside in metropolitan areas like London, Manchester or other major cities, where healthcare facilities and private treatment centres are more expensive, you might face higher insurance costs.

The type of bike

The extent of coverage you select has a direct impact on your premium. Comprehensive coverage, which offers a wider range of benefits, is typically more expensive than basic plans. Optional extras, if added, can also increase your premium.

How you use the bike

Opting for a higher excess, the amount you're willing to pay before your insurance kicks in, can help lower your premium. However, it's crucial to ensure that the excess is affordable for you in case you need to make a claim.

Your annual mileage

Your age plays a substantial role in determining your health insurance premiums. As you get older, the likelihood of developing health issues increases, which often leads to higher premium costs.

The bike's storage and security

Your postcode matters. If you reside in metropolitan areas like London, Manchester or other major cities, where healthcare facilities and private treatment centres are more expensive, you might face higher insurance costs.

Any modifications you have

The extent of coverage you select has a direct impact on your premium. Comprehensive coverage, which offers a wider range of benefits, is typically more expensive than basic plans. Optional extras, if added, can also increase your premium.

Your excess

Opting for a higher excess, the amount you're willing to pay before your insurance kicks in, can help lower your premium. However, it's crucial to ensure that the excess is affordable for you in case you need to make a claim.

How much does bike insurance cost?

Understanding these factors will help you make an informed choice about your business insurance. It’s not just about the cost—it’s about securing your business’s future with the right level of protection.

Ways to get cheap motorbike insurance:

Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newcomer to the motorcycle scene, there are savvy ways to trim down those insurance costs. This rings particularly true for younger or less-experienced riders, often burdened with higher-than-average premiums:

Ways To Get Cheap Motorbike Insurance

Secure your bike


Find a secure spot for your bike, like a locked garage, or use approved alarms and locks. This not only protects your ride but can also get you a discount from insurers.

Ditch extras you don’t need


Cut down on extras you might not need, like extra coverage for helmets and leathers. This can help lower your overall cost.

Avoid modifications


Steer clear of making modifications to your bike. Choosing an unmodified ride and skipping personal changes, unless they boost security, can prevent your insurance from getting more expensive.

Pay annually


Paying for your entire annual motorbike insurance upfront is often cheaper than spreading the cost over 12 monthly payments. These simple steps can help you steer towards savings on your bike insurance.

Choose the right bike


Opt for a smaller bike with a less powerful engine. This not only lowers the chance of accidents but is usually cheaper to buy and fix.

Choose fully comprehensive cover

Pick fully comprehensive motorbike insurance. It’s not just affordable; it gives you the most coverage.

Build a no-claims bonus


Avoid making claims, even for small repairs, to build a no-claims discount. This can significantly reduce your future premiums.

Drive fewer miles


If you can genuinely drive fewer miles without stretching the truth, insurers might give you lower premiums since the risk is lower.

Policy add ons for additional coverage on motorbike Insurance:

Ensures protection for passengers riding pillion, extending the safety net beyond the rider.

Guarding against legal hassles, this cover provides support in case of legal disputes related to your motorbike.

A safety cushion for unexpected roadside breakdowns, offering assistance and ensuring you’re not left stranded.

Extends coverage to personal injuries suffered in an accident, providing financial support during recovery.

Safeguards your riding gear, covering the cost of repair or replacement in case of damage or theft.

Specifically tailored for sidecar-equipped bikes, ensuring both the bike and sidecar are protected.

Covers legal liabilities arising from third-party injury or property damage caused by you while riding.

Provides assistance and coverage for the cost of replacement if you find yourself without your motorbike keys.

A safety net in case of the wrong fuel mishap, covering the costs associated with this common mistake.


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Frequently Asked Questions.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Third-party liability pet insurance is coverage that protects you if your dog unintentionally causes harm or damages someone’s property, or pet. It can include covering legal expenses if you’re taken to court due to an incident involving your dog. However, it’s important to note that third-party liability insurance typically does not apply to cats, as they are legally considered independent creatures.

Co-insurance is a feature included in some policies. If you file a claim, you may be responsible for paying a percentage of the remaining vet fees after the deductible has been subtracted.

Pet insurance doesn’t cover the cost of pet vaccinations, but keeping your vaccinations up to date might get you a discount on your premiums with some policies. If your pet isn’t vaccinated, and you need to make a related claim, your insurance probably won’t cover the cost of treatment.

Yes, you can but you’ll need multi-pet insurance to cover them on the same policy and you’ll usually get a discount for it. But compare quotes for insuring your dogs separately on their own policies as well, as sometimes it’ll work out cheaper.

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